April was one of the busiest months I've ever had! I saw more clients and still took time off over Easter! (Hence no blogging!)
But the big question now is what happened to May? The weather's dreadful (again!), the economy is dismal, everyone seems to be ripping us off (us being the taxpayer). And Katie and Peter have split!
So what's bothering YOU this month? Are you depressed at the weather? Your finances? Or life in general? Are you looking forward to your holidays - or too worried about your weight and what you'll look like in a bikini (sorry guys, you'll look dreadful in a bikini whatever you weigh!)
Are you STILL smoking? What ELSE could you do with the £2,000 a year you spend on cigarettes?
Call me, quote this blog, and I'll give you £20 off any session. If you're already a client you get £25 off anyway so that's £45 saved (treat yourself!).
If you stopped smoking with me and now want to lose some weight you could write a piece for the website about stopping smoking and get a total of £65 off your first weightloss session!
What are you waiting for? Why diet when you can use hypnosis?
This offer is only for May and June and you must mention this blog. Call me.