June came and went in a blur of activity - and a very high number of clients!
In fact, this is the first "admin" day I've had in 4 weeks. I've spent the day catching up on e-mails and passing time on facebook and twitter - which is a bit sad but a good way to pass an easy day!
When did you last take a day to mess around? catch up? sleep? relax?
Schedule a day - or an hour - into your diary right now for next week so you will give yourself some relaxation time.
If you're one of my past clients schedule time to use the Stress Relief CD. If you're not a client why not call me and schedule a time to solve a problem; break a habit; learn some new techniques to take control?
Before you do that go and get a glass of water. It's just stopped raining and the sun is coming out again but it's still sticky warm. You need at least 8 glasses of water every day to keep hydrated - and to keep your body alkalkised. Acidity is the surest way to illness and 2 litres of water a day added to a diet rich in salads and vegetables will help keep you alkalized and heathly.
The first symptom of dehydration isn't thirst - it's fatigue. So go and get that glass of water now (not coffee, tea, coca cola or beer or lager - water!).
Feeling down? Drink water. Tired? Drink water.
Before you go off to the doctors because you're lethargic, fed up, "out of sorts" spend a few days drinking 2 litres of water a day (slowly throughout the day is best). Make each meal 70% water-based food (veg, salad, fruit). Take a walk for 15 minutes (or more) every day. Get some fresh air in your lungs. If after a week you're not feeling better then go to the doctors. (of course, go straight away if you have a lump or an unexplained pain).
And another way to make yourself feel better is to focus on the good things in your life. You get what you focus on so stop moaning and complaining and give thanks for what you do have.
The sun is shining again and I've got a "free" weekend. And I'm feeling good! Just off for a glass of water!!!