Tuesday, 16 August 2011

Better staying overweight than constantly dieting

Today's news on the eating front...dieting is bad for you!

Of course the way the papers are reporting the news it sounds like losing weight is bad for you but of course that's just not true!

The newest research says that it's better to stay overweight than be constantly dieting - and of course, that may be true! Dieting is un-natural and most diets encourage us to eat in ways that simply aren't normal! Dieting is cutting out carbs or fat, eating cereal for lunch or living off soups and shakes.

So yes, staying overweight IS better than dieting! But eating healthily is still better than being overweight. Changing your weight and losing that excess fat through normal, healthy eating is the best and only way!

I work with my clients to help them eat normally. Three meals a day, healthy food. No diets, no feeling deprived and no unhappiness! Hypnotherapy can change the way you think about those foods (and drinks) you've been labelling as "treats". But they're not "treats" are they?

They're not "treats" because you're having them every day - lots of them. A "treat" is occasional, a special event.

They're not "treats" because they are actually making you fat and unhealthy - and unhappy!

So let me help you put the "treats" back into your life. Eat normally. Lose weight. Feel better!

Call me on 0113 380 1758 and I'll explain how easy it will be!
Go back to www.breakthehabit.co.uk