Monday, 10 October 2011

Lose a Stone by Christmas! Special Offer for October only!

Remember what you looked and felt like in your best clothes at the Christmas Party last year?
Was it good? Will it be good this year?
Or was it not so good? Want it to be BETTER this year?

You can lose a stone before Christmas if you start NOW!

Never mind gastric bands, virtual gastric bands or weird diets!

All you need to do is change the way you THINK about fattening and sugary foods - so you DON'T THINK ABOUT FATTENING and SUGARY FOODS.

Oops - now you're thinking about them aren't you?

That's the problem with willpower and dieting. You can't NOT think about chocolate, crisps, biscuits or whatever else you're eating too much of...pies, chips...OK I'll stop!

With hypnotherapy I can help you eat less of the fattening foods. Stop eating for "comfort" and start eating for your health!

Eating healthily you can lose 2lbs a week. From today that's 20lbs (one stone 6lbs) by Christmas Day!!!

What would YOU look like at over a stone lighter?

What would YOU feel like at over a stone lighter?

Call me and let's talk about how I can help you.....

All weightloss packages (that's 4 sessions) booked to start during October get a special extra £20 discount (as well as the 4th session being totally and utterly FREE!!)

But only if you start before the end of October. And only if you mention this blog when you call me on 0113 380 1758.
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