Thursday, 3 November 2011

Champix - warning

Are you putting your health at risk by trying to stop smoking?

Champix has already been linked to heart problems, strokes and blackouts. The latest warning comes from Dr Curt Furberg, professor of public health sciences at Wake Forest University in North Carolina. He has done research into stop smoking treatments and found that 90% of people having serious side effects like depression and suicidal thoughts were taking Champix.

Only 7% with the same issues were taking Zyban.

According to a piece on aol today, in the past four years Champix has been linked to 80 deaths, 39 of which were suicides.

The manufacturer Pfizer says that there is an information leaflet with warnings in the pack - as though that is an answer to this issue!

Please take care if you're thinking of taking a drug to help you stop smoking. Your doctor knows of the dangers - make sure you do too.