How do we motivate ourselves to change?
Imagine you're sitting next to an iceberg (or maybe you're standing outside smoking a cigarette on a freezing cold, windy day!) Now as you imagine can imagine it getting colder and more unbearable....and there will be a point where you just want to MOVE! get away from the iceberg, get back into a nice warm building!
THIS IS THE POINT where you're ready and motivated to change!
We call it "away from" motivation! If you like you can call it the "stick". It's too painful to stay where you are so you move...
Now if you're a smoker the motivator could well be the freezing cold - or the cough - or the realisation that you're wasting your time, your health and your money!
If you're overweight maybe the pain is greatest when you can't get your favourite trousers on? Or maybe your knees hurt? Or your kids tell you you're fat?
When this pain is great you'll start moving towards the change!
If you're not there quite yet then just imagine what it would be like in a year's time if you don't make the changes? How "cold" will you be then?
Tomorrow we'll talk about "towards" motivation and the carrot!