Wednesday, 2 December 2015

In the news's in your genes!

So it seems that Gene Taq1A plays a role in processing the hormone dopamine in the brain.  Dopamine is linked to a feeling of pleasure and reward but is also released in smokers.  So "experts" have discovered that anyone with this gene will find it harder to quit smoking.

Fortunately, if you have the A2 version of the gene you will find it easier to stop smoking!

Now this Chinese research was taken from pooled data from 22 studies involving nearly 10,000 people so far be it from me to question the findings!

Of course another study found that the gene known as CYP2A6 also makes it harder to stop smoking.

Oh dear! More ways to make it harder to stop smoking!  More reasons why people can't stop!

Many of my clients talk about hypnotherapy with me being their "last chance" to stop smoking.  They've tried "everything" and not stopped or stopped for a while then started again.

I explain that trying things that don't work doesn't make them failures!  Patches, Zyban, Champix, e-cigs all have their place but all have a very low proven success rate when it comes to helping anyone quit smoking.  You try them.  You fail.  You think you can't stop.

Well I think you're wrong!

Hypnotherapy generally does have one of the highest success rates.

I just wish I could test all my thousands of clients for theTaq1A and A2 genes - just as a matter of interest!!