Saturday, 8 November 2008

Pre-Christmas discounts for everyone

Pre-Christmas discounts for everyone

My diary is fast filling-up with smokers and drinkers taking advantage of the 10% discount for November so I'm now thinking of ways to offer a discount to those of you who are ready to take control of your eating habits!

While I'm thinking here's a few more tips on changing your eating habits.

Many people say they hate wasting food - so they put it on their plate and eat it! If their children leave food they eat that too! Are you one of those people who goes out for a meal and has to eat everything because, after all , you have paid for it? If there's half a glass of wine left in the bottle do you just have to drink it?

Well of course it is a waste to waste food and drink. But it's a waste to reduce your energy, weaken your knees and ankles and shorten your life by over-eating!

If you're one of those people who hates wasting food then here's a technique to use to help yourself reduce the amount you eat. Buy expensive food. Yes, that's right. Spend the same amount but buy a small amount of the absolute best.

Better quality chocolate, cheese and even cakes taste wonderful. If you buy the best you get less for your money, you get real taste so you don't need to eat as much and so you eat less calories!

Buy really nice chocolates and eat just one a day. SLOWLY savour the experience.

Buy good quality drinks. Drink them like a wine taster. Pour a small glass. Smell it. Look at the colour. Sip it. Taste it. SLOWLY.

This way you enjoy food for what it is - tasty and satisfying!

Overweight people think about food all the time - except when they're eating it! Then they're just shovelling it in!People who are "normal" weight only think about food when they're shopping, preparing or eating it. Which one are you?

So now I've decided on the Special Deal for weightloss. The Special Package of 3 sessions plus a follow-up already has a saving of £25 on the 3rd session and the 4th is free! How can I better that? Well here goes. The Special Package of 4 sessions PLUS a 5th session for half price when you book and take the first session before Christmas. This way I can help you keep control over the Christmas season and keep you "on track" in the new year ready forthe next swimsuit season! Please mention this blog when booking.