Do you run a company with employees? Or perhaps manage a team? Are you and your colleagues stressed?
We're all under more pressure than ever before to perform well. At home. At work. Financially we have to get it right. And don't even mention Christmas!
Here are a few things for you as manager or director of a team (or as Mum or Dad) to think about.
Have you and your colleagues got somewhere to chill out? Maybe a small office or empty meeting room could be equipped with a couple of comfy chairs? Would you like a copy of my Stress Relief CD for your MP3 player or iPod? Cigarette smokers often tell me that their cigarette break is their only break in the day. No wonder they're so stressed!
Make sure your staff have access to water. A place for a break. And a proper lunch break. Time to eat. And digest. And think. I'll guarantee that the afternoons will be more productive!
At home a quiet room is essential. Away from the TV and games machines. A place to listen to relaxing music maybe - or my Stress Relief CD! Instead of getting home and reaching for the gin/wine/beer bottle why not reach for an easy chair and a glass of water. I guarantee that your evening will go smoother!
Breathe! It's what your body needs!