I felt I needed to share this information that's been in the press in the last few days - just incase you missed it.
Research has shown that women taking HRT are more likely to die of lung cancer than those not taking HRT. This doesn't mean that if you take HRT you are more likely to get lung disease - but if you do get it then you are more likely to die from it.
This of course has tremendous implications for menopausal women who smoke.
You have two choices. Stop HRT or Stop smoking. Actually, you have a 3rd choice - die young.
I already have concerns about HRT so if you can live without it then I'd recommend this anyway (did you know HRT was derived from the urine of mares? How did they get that?!) But of course, there is no doubt about the one thing you can do to save your life - stop smoking. How much more information do you need?
For October only I will give a £20 discount off my stop smoking session to all women between 45 and 55 - whether they take HRT or not. As Tesco would say "every little helps"!