Sunday, 6 September 2009

more in the news

To add to my last blog here's a few other things that have been in the newspapers that some of us already knew!

I read an article the other day that said that sweeteners can make you fat. We've been saying it for years and now, it seems, the "traditionalists" have finally caught on. In simple terms insulin reacts to sugar in food. But it seems that the body really doesn't know the difference between sugar and a manufactured sweetener. So the sweeteners you use in your tea, or the aspartame and saccharine in so called "diet" drinks actually work to kick in the insulin and make your body crave more sugar! If you really want to be frightened into giving up your diet coke check out aspartame on google!

Stop drinking diet, fizzy drinks now and replace them with water and I guarantee you'll feel better in a week!

If you're finding it difficult to kick your eating habits; if you've got stuck in "diet" mode; if you still think low fat will make you thin: Call me - let me show you how to eat well, lose weight and stay healthy.