Well I can't believe it's been so long since I blogged!
But I will be blogging more so please keep coming back and reading up on the latest comments and offers!
Today is about being too busy! Yes, I could say I've been too busy to blog! What are you too busy to do? Or are you procrastinating? Or is it that you really don't want to do something? You know you should but you don't really want to!
I had an interesting - and very long - email from a potential client the other day. They told me all the reasons why they wanted to stop smoking - and all the reasons why they don't want to stop! So how do you know if you really want to do something? How can you help yourself make the correct choices?
Well there are only two reasons why we do anything. To avoid the pain that we're getting - or to get more pleasure!
First avoiding pain will get you moving! Let's take smoking (just as an example! :) When the cough, breathing problems, family nagging, bad weather etc etc get too much you make the decision to stop smoking! For most people talking about how good they'll feel, how much money they'll have to spend on other things, how much longer they'll live just isn't going to help - it's too long term and when do we want it? WE WANT IT NOW!
Once you've stopped of course then the pleasure kicks in. You can breathe, run up stairs, stay inside in the warm, play with your kids, save £30 - £50 a week for a lovely holiday or a new car - or spend it on YOU!
So avoidance of pain gets you to make the decision and JUST DO IT! and the pursuit of pleasure will keep you motivated and keep you stopped!
Of course you can use this reasoning for losing weight too. What's worse than the embarrassment of being overweight (pain)? And every pound you lose, ever time you buy smaller sized clothes, trendier clothes or get a compliment then the pleasure spurs you on!
So how much pain are you in right now? And how can I help you make it SO BAD you're ready to MAKE A CHANGE?
(oh and so you know, the potential client did book an appointment!)
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