Tuesday, 30 October 2012

What's in the news?

A few things caught my eye in various news and e-mail bulletins today.  Did you see the one that says researchers have found that a woman smoking can alter her DNA and may affect not just her children but also her grandchildren's health?

Or perhaps you saw that only pure natural yogurt is really good for us to eat - that's one without sugar, high fructose corn syrup, sweeteners and other gak (a nutritional term added by me!)

Or did you see that for every woman saved through surgery and chemotherapy for breast cancer another four go through unnecessary surgery for a cancer that may never grow enough to kill them?

There's so much scary stuff in the press these days isn't there?  Health stuff is scary!  So what can we learn from it all - without being scared to death?

Well here's my mantra.  Everything in moderation - except smoking and drugs and sweeteners and additives and preservatives. Knock those on the head now.  It's easy and it's the best way forward.

If you need help then call me on 0113 380 1758.

You know you want to!

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