Saturday, 17 November 2012

Tips for weight loss (2)

Did you did tips 1 and 2 from yesterday?  If you did - well done!! Keep it up!

If you didn't - GO BACK NOW!

So assuming you've 1) started using a smaller plate and 2) walked up a step or two then we can move on to

3)  when you're watching TV tonight stand up and walk about in every break.  If you go to put the kettle on do bends and stretches while its boiling.  Just move a bit more. Dance to the ad breaks!

4)  add an extra vegetable to your dinner - making your healthy foods more filling so you're less likely to want a pudding!

Each extra calorie used and extra calorie removed will help towards your weight loss  - and improved fitness!

There's just time for a Special Package of 3 sessions before Christmas (and you'll get one free after Christmas too!) so if you need some help to change your eating habits and give up those sugary snacks once and for all give me a call!

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